The lifespan of a solar panel

The first thing you need to understand is the lifespan of a solar panel: a solar power system building block. If you have us install a solar panel at the rooftop of your property now, then the panel will last for an average of 25 years and help you to have eco-friendly energy. It is not that after a few decades, the panels will stop functioning and you have to look for other means of power. After that period, the production of energy may have a decrease than that prescribed by the manufacturer.

Reasons for the degradation of solar panel

Various issues may lead to the degradation of the solar panel. Exposure to extreme climate changes, experiencing heavy soiling, or improper installation may cause some common causes for degradation. Let us see these issues in depth.

Issues with installation

To enhance the lifespan of a solar panel, we consider some vital aspects. The solar panels that we install are durable and do not develop defects quickly. However, when first linking and installing the panels, we take the utmost care so that there remains no fault. This is why many homeowners and business houses depend on us as a trusted installer. When we arrange the solar panels, our solar engineers consider the connection system and the roof’s condition. We make sure that the roof does not have any maintenance issues, which may cause problems after installing the panels.



Weather also plays a significant role in the lifespan of panels. If there is a strong windstorm causing tree branches to fall on panels, then that can probably damage the anti-reflective glass coating that covers the solar panels. The heavy snowfall also can cause panels to have a loss of structural integrity and speed up degradation. Hailstones can also damage the glass. However, the panels we install have tested and certified to endure hailstorms and other windy weather systems.

Ways to expand the lifespan of solar panels

You may wonder as to how you can help to enhance the lifespan of your solar panels. That is where a qualified solar installation team like ours comes into play. We monitor the state of the entire system and find out a possible solution to any fault detected. You can also do your part. You can keep the panels clean and free of rubbish. We, as professionals, can evaluate the energy production of your system. If we notice a decrease in energy production, our solar maintenance professional will check your system to find out potential issues and find a solution to that.

When you have a solar installation in Nigeria from us, you can be sure to have eco-friendly energy not only for 25 years but also for a more extended period. We leave no stone unturned to offer you the best of solar installation.

Commercial Solar Installation in Nigeria – Profits You Can Gain With!

HiSecurity is committed to helping businesses make the switch to renewable energy so you can take control of your energy costs using the commercial solar panel solutions we offer. We are aware of organizations facing high rise energy costs, and investing in a solar installation is a powerful way to reduce operational costs.

In addition to the economic benefits, you will grow your business into a brighter, cleaner future, applying best practices towards your organization’s sustainability goals. Investing in a solar installation in Nigeria underpins your commitment to reducing and showcases your customers that your business cares about the environment.

Commercial solar installation in Nigeria represents operational efficiency and quality care and represents a corporate commitment to the planet, a benchmark to set you apart from your other competitors.


From the panel system to the mounting and installation process, Hi Security can help outfit your organization with the ideal solar energy system. Our technicians have the expertise to make sure your solar energy system provides you with the appropriate amount of power for your commercial needs. We ensure you get the best ROI in terms of durability and solar energy production. We make it easy to adapt your current power grid with your new commercial solar power system, to maintain your service and production level while minimizing the environmental impact and annual energy cost.


Solar installation in Nigeria can help companies avoid expensive energy costs while cutting down the overall environmental impact. By investing in commercial solar power, you can avoid dealing with those rising costs altogether. Also, connecting your commercial solar energy system to the existing utility grid can earn you some credits on your next bill. Our installation includes a connection to the utility grid where you can accurately monitor the energy amount you produce, as well as the power you use. This makes it easy to track your savings and productions accurately.

A commercial solar energy system will give you the ability to improve the value of your commercial property by producing, using, and saving energy. You can also benefit from the positive impact the renewable solar energy system will have on your company’s image!


  • Grid-Tied Solar Electric Systems: The most common application for a commercial solar energy system is known as the grid-tie system. The power is generated by your solar panel system, and used in several ways on site. The excess energy produced each day is then shared with the utility grid, which will earn your company credit on your energy bills.
  • Backup Power: Commercial solar energy grids with main power source backup is beneficial for commercial properties with climate-controlled warehouses. So, if a power outage occurs in between the production process, you will have a backup and continue at the same pace.
  • Off-Grid or Self Consumption: You can boost your company’s revenue stream by becoming completely reliant on your power grid while ensuring you consume any excess energy, as you are cut off from the main grid.

Benefits like these illustrate why the residential sector might be the hottest in the solar industry. When solar panels are installed for home, the ROI is high and the payback period can be very short despite the upfront cost. With solar installation in Nigeria, we help homeowners and businesses become energy independent through energy efficiency measures using solar power.


The types of security cameras can be characterized according to different criteria such as mount type and shape, lens type, environmental conditions, and features. Even through the turmoil of COVID-19, advances in security systems remain unaffected, with newer and better designs coming out every month.

One of the main characterization criteria is that of connectivity, which gives birth to the wired vs. wireless security camera debate.

We understand that there can be a lot of confusion around these two types of security systems and we know there is a lot to consider when deciding on choosing the best system for the security of your property.

Read on below to learn more. We have broken down the wired vs. wireless camera types, describing the pros and cons for each, helping you make a more informed decision about your property’s safety and security.


Wired security systems, also known as a DVR (digital video recorder) security system, are a combination of cameras and a recording device and are the most traditional form of CCTV, connected to a power source and the internet using a cable.

The cameras can be powered in two ways; through a separate cord connecting the power and internet, or by using a Power over Ethernet (PoE) cable, requiring just one cable providing both power and internet connection.


  • Reliability
  • Little to no network interference
  • More secure
  • Consistent video and streaming quality
  • Supports large installations

The biggest possible advantage that wired security cameras provide is that of reliability. Due to the physical connection between the camera, recorder, and router through cables, the system is less susceptible to connectivity issues and interference from other devices.

The system also isn’t susceptible to bandwidth fluctuations due to the high-reliability factor, and the video quality remains great and consistent throughout. A 4K system will stream footage in 4K quality and will not fall to 720p due to poor reception – an important factor that guarantees high-quality surveillance.

Due to the system working on a closed network, it cannot be wirelessly hacked, which ensures that the data being recorded on the system will be secure and protected from hackers.

One thing to note here is that there is no guarantee of the system being 100% risk-free; there is a chance of the wires being cut by potential burglars and intruders, which is why it is ideal to completely conceal the wiring, hiding it from plain sight.

Wired security cameras are a great option if you have a large area to cover under surveillance. Since everything is hardwired, the system can be as expansive as need be, providing comprehensive coverage and the ability to support a large number of cameras to cover more space.


  • Installation time
  • Invasive installation
  • Less flexible
  • Not portable
  • Power outages

The installation process and the time it takes to carry it out is one of the biggest drawbacks of wired security cameras. Due to the usage of all the cables, setting up the system might take longer than a wireless system. It might even require drilling holes in walls, which can be an issue if the property is rented or on lease.

In addition to that, since wired security cameras require access to a power outlet and internet via cables, they are less flexible and cannot be mounted just anywhere. The availability of a power source and the internet is mandatory.

Portability is another issue faced by wired camera users. Due to all the hardwiring involved in the installation process, moving or relocating the system can be very challenging and it is usually better to just invest in a new one rather than going through the hassle of moving the existing system.

Since the system is dependent on power supplied through the mains system of your property, it makes it vulnerable to stop working during power outages. A great way to combat this issue is to use backup batteries, ensuring everything always stays up and running.


Wireless security cameras are connected to a power source via a cable and connected to the internet over Wi-Fi, uploading the video to a local storage device or the cloud.

Version 1.0.0

The main difference between a wired and wireless security camera system is that the recorded footage in wireless systems is transmitted from the camera to the recorder wirelessly, whereas wired systems work entirely over cables. Both, however, require wired power.


  • Ease of installation
  • Lower setup cost
  • More flexible
  • Portable
  • Scalable

Ease of installation is one of the main benefits of a wireless security camera, which is due to minimal cables involved, typically just one to connect the system to the power outlet to set up the system.

Since the time and effort required to carry out the task is less, the total charges for setting up a wireless security camera system are generally less than for a wired system.

They are also more flexible in terms of installation locations since they connect over Wi-Fi, requiring access to only a power source. However, they do need to be close enough to a router to maintain a strong internet connection.

Moving them around is relatively easier too since they tend to be lightweight and portable, and it is easier to add additional cameras to the system.


  • Less reliable
  • Dependent on Wi-Fi strength
  • Susceptible to interference
  • Risk of being hacked
  • Do not support large installations

For all those who have used Wi-Fi know how unreliable it can be at times unless you have a super-fast connection that gives uninterrupted connectivity.

The biggest drawback of a wireless camera system is that it is completely dependent on how strong your Wi-Fi connection is. Any disruptions or weak signals could mean you could lose connectivity to the system resulting in lost footage, possibly a crucial one.

The further away the system is from the router, the weaker the signals and the lesser the reliability factor, therefore, the system must be installed within Wi-Fi range or, to boost the connection, extenders could be used.

Another common disadvantage is that of interference from similar devices. This is of major concern for wireless security camera users since wireless and radio signals are all around us competing for signals, resulting in false alarms, or lost signals and video.

Just as with all wireless systems, wireless security cameras are at a risk of being hacked, which puts the data being recorded and the relevant information vulnerable to being used by unauthorized parties. Special care must be taken to ensure the CCTV data remains safe since the inability to safeguard data recorded on a CCTV camera can result in some serious legal action.

Wireless security systems are limited to the area they can cover. Wi-Fi signals don’t extend very far, restricting the size of the system. For this reason, they are not ideal for larger installations and are generally recommended for areas such as small residential properties.


Wire-free cameras are a variant of wireless security cameras that are connected to the internet via Wi-Fi and powered through batteries.

No cables are required at all, not even to connect the system to a power outlet. It is solely dependent on removable or rechargeable batteries.

They offer seamless installation and can be set up just about anywhere within Wi-Fi range, making the process easier and quicker. Due to the complete absence of wiring and any sort of drilling, they are the perfect choice for renters.

Unlike wired and wireless security cameras, wire-free systems are not vulnerable to power outages since they rely on independent batteries.

The batteries, however, need to be periodically recharged and replaced to keep the system up and running at all times. Luckily, the life on these batteries is pretty good and they don’t require charging or replacement too often since they are made to conserve battery and go into sleep or standby mode until they are triggered.

Certain drawbacks of the system are that, like wireless security cameras, they are dependent on how strong the Wi-Fi signals are. The weaker the signal, the less reliable the system can be. They are also susceptible to hacking and can be tampered with and moved easily since absolutely no cables are involved.

Due to this reason, it is recommended to use such wire-free security cameras as hidden deterrents where they aren’t easily visible to the general public.


Now that we have covered all the pros and cons related to the wired vs. wireless debate, which system is the best?

You can opt for a wired or wireless option depending solely on your needs and requirements. Certain aspects can make the decision easier for you. They are:

  • Easy installation and flexibility

If your determining criteria are ease of installation and flexibility, the clear winner here is wireless or wire-free security cameras.

The process is easy, requiring no extensive labour, and can be installed just about anywhere with a good Wi-Fi signal.

They even work in areas where there is no power supply, such as secluded properties, since they work using rechargeable and replaceable batteries.

  • Reliability and stability

If you’re looking for a CCTV system that is reliable and provides uninterrupted connectivity, wired security cameras are the way to go.

Since they are directly connected to the router via cables, there is no risk of loss of connectivity or interference.

  • Large areas

For large areas such as big businesses and factories, it is best to have wired security cameras installed due to their ability to completely cover the premises.

Wireless systems are limited to the number of cameras they can support and also to the range that the Wi-Fi offers.

  • Aesthetics

Since wired systems have a lot of cabling involved, there is drilling required at times, which can ruin the aesthetics of a place.

For people and places where aesthetics matter, such as tourist attractions, or even rented places where it is not allowed to alter the structure of a property, wire-free security cameras are the ideal choice.

Guide to select the best CCTV camera for your commercial or residential premises

Installing a surveillance security system is excellent. It is often necessary to ensure your home or business and employees’ safety. Regardless of the size of your business, or home, there is one thing that you must never forget is to keep your space safe at all times. Therefore, you must consider installing CCTV cameras in your home or business. For that, you must expect that you should get a fair CCTV camera price offer from a reputed dealer in Lagos. In Lagos, there are countless CCTV camera options available. So it is often tricky to select what you need. We will help you find the best CCTV camera price that you will ever find anywhere in Lagos. We will list down a few factors that you need to look into while choosing a CCTV security camera and the price of such a project.


What will be the coverage capabilities?

How much is the coverage area that your residential or commercial building needs that is the vital factor that decides the nature and price of CCTV cameras you need to install? Advanced 360-degree dome or pan-tilt-zoom camera, and single-camera has the potential to cover all the necessary ground. It can be an ideal solution for many big or small businesses as you won’t have to spend more on multiple cameras, just for crucial entry points.

What will be the resolution quality?

High-resolution CCTV cameras like 5.0 megapixels have 25 times more resolution than analog CCTV cameras. You can add it in your commercial space to keep track of long-distance activities. A lower resolution may be enough for smaller areas where the camera is recording from a shorter distance. We can tailor our recommendations to your budget and resolution requirements.

What will be the place & size where you need to install CCTV Camera?

The place or the location where you want to install the CCTV camera is a vital thing you must consider. It will be the deciding factor that will decide the nature of the CCTV camera you need to install. If you want people to notice that the premise is being monitored, then the best option is to go for box cameras. However, if you want something subtle, then you can consider buying dome cameras. The price of CCTV camera installation can vary based on the nature of the camera you install.

What will be the size of the area where you need to install a CCTV camera?

The area’s size is essential before deciding on the CCTV camera to secure your residential or commercial premises. Knowing your place’s size will help you determine how many cameras you need to ensure your space. The larger the area, the more CCTV cameras you will require. Apart from that, you may need so many additional requirements to achieve a higher level of security.

Is there an issue with the lighting?

Several CCTV camera installation companies in Lagos sell different kinds of CCTV systems. But we provide the most effective CCTV models that fit best to your premises and at the best price. CCTV cameras and its prices vary from one model to another, and most of our product is backed by most advanced features, including the lighting resistance capability.

Do you need audio?

Different CCTV camera models serve other purposes. You can go for the security cameras that do not have audio where you wish to watch people’s movement inside the place of business. But if you need to monitor conversations that we recommend you buy the CCTV cameras with the audio option.

Do not be afraid to inquire about the specification and product description of each CCTV available in Lagos. Keep asking questions, and we will assist you in deciding what model you need to buy. If you have any questions regarding what was discussed, you can contact us anytime.